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What is Photo Encaustic?
Encaustic painting, also known as hot wax painting, is a form of painting that involves a heated wax medium to which colored pigments have been added. The photo encaustic process involves printing photographs on paper and adhering the paper to a substrate creating a paper ground.
Photo encaustic is an alternative photographic process using mixed media. But it’s so much more than that, photo encaustic is a unique process that adds layers and layers of beeswax, pigments and sometimes resin to create one-of-a-kind pieces. No two pieces will ever be the same.

What Is Photo Impressionism?
Photo Impressionism is a photographic style that draws inspiration from the Impressionist art movement.
It emphasizes capturing the fleeting moments of light and color in a scene, often creating a dreamlike or bold atmosphere.
In impressionist photography, techniques such as intentional camera movement, soft focus, and creative use of light and shadow are often employed to create images that evoke emotions and tell a story through abstraction.
This style is inspired by the Impressionist art movement, which includes famous painters like Claude Monet and Edgar Degas.
I have created my own style of impressionism that uses bold colors to tell my story.

Custom sizes available upon Request

8x10=$149 with Frame
8x10=$175 with Gradle Board Frame
11x14=$375 with Cradle Board Frame
Johns SongImpressions Of San ClementeIce Fields and MountainsMount Hood Tulips with Black FrameEd Hooper Goes to AspenMaroon BellsDana Point SunsetRainbow Fire StormMission Lotus with Black FrameFull Fall Fire Color- Frame Not shown3 Butterfly'sElectric Mammoth NightsNight On The Town with Cradle Board FrameButterfly Rainbow WingsWhite River GardenMaui Dreams-Frame Not showmA Canadian FallPoppy My WorldLahaina StrongFoxy Lady